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Latitude and Longitude

4.4 ( 7824 ratings )
工具 导航
开发 Shailaja bavikadi
0.99 USD

Useful App for fishing,boating,sailing and many others

Find your Latitude and Longitude data from the map

convert your coordinate data into different formats instantly in offline mode.

You can plot your coordinate/location on the map.

you can share with friends through email

Just tap on the map to get the location coordinates.

Our Uncluttered design provides a good balance between simplicity and functionality. Check it out for yourself.

Supported Output:
Latitude and Longitude in Decimal Degrees
Latitude and Longitude in Degrees, Minutes
Latitude and Longitude in Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds

-iOS6 and iPhone5 Compatible, use all of that new bigger screen
-Universal Design
-Supports the pinch-to-zoom feature
-HD support
-No ads
-All feature update are free
-Simple user interface and fully functional.

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